Float Your Boat

“ The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”


Tony Robbins.



We were out this Tuesday, after a weeks break due to both boats in use at the large annual event held at The Armories.

Our skipper, as always, was Gary, crewed on by young Zayne,who is shortly to take his skippers badge test. The usual suspects made up the rest of the trip, oldest cabin boy around Jimmy, Harry, Dennis and myself, Graham. It was also good to see Barry again ,who we haven’t seen for a few months as he can only attend when his schedule allows.

A warm welcome to newcomer John, who was introduced to us by one of our skippers Kev. It was a rainy debut for him but another enjoyable 4 hours out.

We didn’t get as far as Fishpond lock, deciding to moor up for lunch by the large capstans, where the big ships dropped off their loads. I think that is where Yorkshire Copper Works were based until its closure in 1980. At its peak the company employed 5000 people.

The latest on our cruising cameraman, Dennis, after being sent home from hospital recently, has been called back in for more tests. Here’s wishing him all the best, as I miss his hobnob biscuits when he’s not here.




No trip out this week due to the high water level, which has been the case a few times of late. The skipper is Kev, who has been involved in this project since the very beginning.

More often than not his crewman is Big Peter, while the core group consists of Oliver, William, Damian and Matthew, along with occasional others plus two lady carers.

Here’s hoping for better weather round the corner.



Corporate volunteers day


On Friday 17th May, we had a great lift for the day from the staff of Cpw, a local engineering consultants,who worked inside the lock-house and cleared the surrounding areas. This is the second year running they’ve carried out this very helpful exercise, for which we at CC are very grateful.

Chatting to a trio of them I found they enjoy it and wish it was a weekly thing. While it is a team building activity it also gets them out of the office, which makes the phrase, ‘a change is as good as a rest’ spring to mind. Plus they also look forward to a boat trip down to Knostrop lock.

Due to the numbers, two trips on Michael Hayes were needed, one morning and the second afternoon. I could tell the last lot enjoyed it more as cheering broke out when they sailed past their colleagues left cutting the grass.

I love seeing things like this, teamwork with good humoured banter. After all, that is what Canal Connections is all about. Community!

Until next time, take care!
